Thursday, July 31, 2008

The beginning of the beginning...

I've been a resident of the district for a month and a half now and this was the first time I spent an entire day inside my apartment. The root of my introversion: tropical storm Hanna. It was a typical rainy Saturday, the sort of day I haven't had since I was a child, only this time I passed the time like a grown-up. Painting and watching Saturday morning cartoons while the sky is gray and raindrops pitter-patter on the windows is now cleaning and setting up a new desk from Ikea. I can't say it wasn't productive, but I get slight cabin fever from staying inside for too long.

There is a sort of rush I get from living in the city that I've never had before. Every moment I spend inside relaxing feels like a wasted opportunity to explore what D.C. has to offer. I'll be here at least two years, so I know I have plenty of time, but part of me wants to see it all now, experience everything while I can. I am the type of person who has her eyes peeled at all moments for what's next-- hence, I keep myself plugged in to DCist and the Going Out Gurus (the first DC blogs I have been introduced to). But both fall short in some ways. I want to know whats going on, but I also want to see it, taste it, feel it. I want to see D.C. life through the eyes of someone living it: the raw emotion, the inside view of a community of event-goers, happy hours regulars, urban socialites. An anonymous Washington woman once told Hilary Clinton, "What you don't understand about this town is that they can fight about issues all they want, but they don't really care about them. What they really care about is who they sit next to at dinner."

Such is the beginning of the beginning... A blog about musing city life in all of its franticness and an attempt to explore the city through the eyes of a district socialite.

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